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23 Aug

Structutorial #03: How to escape feeling overwhelmed when you have immensely large tasks to do

Datum: 2018-08-23 10:08

Every week, read­ers and par­tic­i­pants from my talks email me and ask me ques­tions about how to take con­trol of their work sit­u­a­tion through bet­ter structure.

The ques­tions are always very spe­cif­ic, but they are actu­al­ly sel­dom unique.

So, a while ago I decid­ed to share my answers to these fre­quent ques­tions in a series of short Structutorials.

In this third one, Lor­raine asks me how to escape feel­ing over­whelmed when you have immense­ly large tasks to do.