
The "Done!" podcast

Would it not be great with more time at your dis­pos­al? More time, for what grows your busi­ness? For those tasks where your skills real­ly are uti­lized? For that inspir­ing project that you would like to begin with, but that you have post­poned more than once? More time for your fam­i­ly and for what you love to do?

It would have been a piece of cake if it were not for all those e‑mails in your inbox, the mes­sages in your most fre­quent chat chan­nel, incom­ing phone calls and heaps of paper notes.

Every Mon­day morn­ing at 8:45 AM (CET), David Stiern­holm gives you prac­ti­cal tips on how to cre­ate good struc­ture and effi­cient work pro­ce­dures for you and your organization.

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