Video: Make your out of office message clearer
Datum: 2025-03-24 09:41
How free do you actually feel when you’re off work?
If you’re a manager, entrepreneur, or have a key role in your job, you often need to be “somewhat available” even when ...
At Stiernholm Consulting, we strongly believe that good structure strengthens productivity. This applies to us as individuals as well as for our organizations. Here, David Stiernholm, Struktör, shares his concrete tips on how to visualize, simplify and get more time for what is important.
How free do you actually feel when you’re off work?
If you’re a manager, entrepreneur, or have a key role in your job, you often need to be “somewhat available” even when ...
When will you find time to show your colleague how to do something when both of your calendars are full with no gaps?
This week’s episode of Done! - No. 632 - is about how you can show others how ...
When you receive emails with files attached, these are usually not supposed to ...
I was asked what my opinion on how to successfully manage and lead hybrid meetings is ...
Do you wish there were simple descriptions of how tasks are done, making it easier for new employees to understand?
In this week’s episode of Done!, you’ll learn how to have an AI create ...
In a study conducted at Carleton University, the researchers Duxbury and Lanctot found that the 1500 participants in the study spend on average a third of their work time processing emails...
One aspect of working with good structure is getting things done with as little effort as possible - preferably automatically, without any effort at all ...
Do you have many different email accounts to manage?
It’s quite a hassle.
This week’s episode of Done! is about how to gather your email inboxes in a simple way.
Last time I was in Japan I was fascinated - as so many times before - by the precision with which the Japanese trains come to a full stop right at the designated point on the platform.
You want to have good structure in your work, but what does it actually look like?
The 629th episode Done! is about how to ...
Have you made these 10 structural mistakes?
Not everyone is a fan of making lists. I sure am, but I occasionally meet those who have a hard time ...
When the calendar fills up week after week, and there seems to be no time for reflection and focused work in full concentration, a popular trick is to..
Your colleague has indicated that they are busy, but does that apply to everything?
Done! this week is about an ...
I think you should choose how you get interrupted!
Judging by the findings of a relatively recent German study, we experience different stress levels and exhaustion depending on whether ...
The number of apps, tools, programs, and services we use to do our jobs keeps ...
Isn't it great when you formulate a prompt, i.e., a request for what you want the...
Do you struggle to find time for reflection and to work undisturbed?
This week's episode of Done! is about letting Outlook ...
If you are more selective about which meetings you attend, and your colleagues do the same to create more room in their calendars, will you ever be able to schedule a meeting with all the key participants again?
In this week’s episode of Done! - No. 626 - you will discover how it’s still possible to find a suitable meeting time with colleagues who occasionally want to work without interruptions.
As AI becomes a frequently used tool, you develop very good prompts that you want to use often.
However, it’s cumbersome to formulate them again and ...