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20 Aug

A fall with foresight

Datum: 2024-08-20 15:16
A smiling man in a suit and tie stands in front of a decorative stained glass window inside a grand, ornately designed building.

Now my fall begins after the long, love­ly sum­mer break.

On the road again

A look at the cal­en­dar shows that I will be trav­el­ing all around, giv­ing talks on struc­ture at work in var­i­ous orga­ni­za­tions — just as usu­al. (Will I be com­ing to yours?)

Many peo­ple are seek­ing my help with struc­ture now, and it’s no won­der. Improved struc­ture in how we work gives us more con­trol over our work and more time to spare!

Bet­ter, often 

Of course, I also want to improve my struc­ture — constantly.

My focus now is fore­sight.

I want to do things in advance more than I have done so far. Because with fore­sight comes freedom.

How do you achieve foresight? 

I’m curi­ous about how you do it. What habit do you have that gives you bet­ter fore­sight? Do you have a trick, even?

Tell me!