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17 Jun

Changing into vacation mode

Datum: 2024-06-17 09:12
A man in a shirt and tie stands by the water, adjusting his jacket.

It’s almost time for my sum­mer break. I’ll be back on duty again on Mon­day, August 19th.

Not out of reach, though

But I’m not com­plete­ly gone. If you send a request dur­ing the sum­mer, I’ll respond to it – espe­cial­ly until Mid­sum­mer, as I’m work­ing until the end of this week.

Let’s meet up on your kickoff!

After the sum­mer, I’m heav­i­ly booked to give talks at kick­offs, but I have a cou­ple of dates left in August if you want to book me for your kick­off. I’ll be hap­py to come!

Send me a quote