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15 Jan

Clarify your structure to make it last longer

Datum: 2025-01-15 08:15
A red-and-white striped lighthouse stands on a grassy dune overlooking the ocean under a bright blue sky.

As you improve your per­son­al struc­ture, you obtain new tools and think of new even more orga­nized ways of doing things. The new habits can be chal­leng­ing to remem­ber since they are, well, new. The moment you decide to do some­thing dif­fer­ent­ly from now it is crys­tal clear what you intend to do, but what is the sta­tus of the new habit after a few weeks? 

If you are try­ing to adopt more than a hand­ful of new habits and meth­ods simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, you might sim­ply not remem­ber what you had set your mind to do — even if it felt inspired, clear, and obvi­ous at the moment you decid­ed to adopt them.

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

Back to square one?

After a while, you might just vague­ly remem­ber that you want­ed to work with more struc­ture in one way or anoth­er, but you seem to have fall­en back into your old ways.

Does this sound famil­iar? If it does, you are far from alone in hav­ing had the experience.

In sight”, means in mind”

Luck­i­ly, there is a way to make it eas­i­er to get back on the struc­ture track if this should ever hap­pen again. Since habits are fick­le things, you will be wise to make them very clear to your­self, espe­cial­ly when you are just about to estab­lish them and when what you intend to do feels very clear and obvious.

This is why you should doc­u­ment your new­ly found habits to make remind­ing your­self of what you have decid­ed and want to con­tin­ue doing easy.

Do this

Help your­self to estab­lish new and con­struc­tive habits by:

  1. Take a minute right now to think of a habit you recent­ly decid­ed you want­ed to estab­lish to improve your struc­ture. Could it per­haps be some­thing you will do regard­ing meet­ings? Con­cern­ing all the inter­rup­tions? The morn­ing rou­tine? Your email inbox? The chat mes­sages? The cal­en­dar? Or does it con­cern some­thing com­plete­ly different?
  2. One way to describe a habit is by express­ing it in the for­mat When…, then…, since…”.
    To show you a few exam­ples, here are three of my own struc­ture habits:
    • When I need to be on time for some­thing, then I set the alarm on my phone for 10 min­utes before I need to leave since I often need a few min­utes to pack up.
    • When I have a full day of work at the office ahead of me, I then choose to do the tasks which I absolute­ly need to be in the office to com­plete out of all my impor­tant and poten­tial­ly urgent tasks, since I will not be back in a week.
    • When I am about to reg­is­ter receipts that will not be re-invoiced to any of my clients, I then scan them with the same app as I write notes in, since the app I used to use has turned out to be unre­li­able in terms of upload­ing them to the accountant.
    Try for­mu­lat­ing the habit you have in mind in the same manner.
  3. Gath­er all your doc­u­ment­ed habits of struc­ture in a sin­gle loca­tion where they are eas­i­ly acces­si­ble so that you can remind your­self of exact­ly what you have in mind when­ev­er you feel hes­i­tant or for­get in the future. It can be a text doc­u­ment, a note-tak­ing app, or wher­ev­er feels like an obvi­ous place to keep them.

Quick­ly back on (structure-)track again

If you doc­u­ment your new­found habits of struc­ture in this way, it will be eas­i­er to get back on the wag­on should you fall off since you have made it quite clear to your­self what course of action to take. You do not even have to remem­ber the habit, just do what the note says. Fol­low your own instruc­tions and you will be bet­ter off (- at least bet­ter than you were).

How do you get back on the horse?

How do you remind your­self or make it easy to remem­ber the new work­ing meth­ods you want to improve your work­day by using? Feel free to email me!

(By the way, have you found out what you can do to make sure struc­ture becomes a facil­i­ta­tor rather than an inhibitor?)

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