Clockwise towards a bonus
Datum: 2010-02-05 11:33

In early January, Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet published a feature about the Malmö based company TAT — The Astonishing Tribe.
Among the pictures that illustrated the article was a small photo (see right) on the company’s way to communicate to what extent they meet their goals and how close they are to getting a bonus.
Almost like on a clock with a clock face and hands, we can easily see where they stand today and what their forecast is.
Placed in a location in the company where many pass by, it is more visible, present and tangible in everyday life than if it had been placed on a page somewhere in their intranet.
Sure, I like IT-based decision support tools (such as Barium, for instance), but when I see a physical solution to the same need, my heart beats an extra stroke (in a positive sense).
How have you illustrated a key figure or a goal in an unconventional way?
Please leave a comment below!
(The song of the day is by the way Bön Iver’s “re: stacks”)