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13 Nov

Does a struktör dream of bicycle messengers?

Datum: 2009-11-13 11:31

Yes, some­times I actu­al­ly dream of chang­ing path and become a bicy­cle messenger.

There is real­ly some­thing allur­ing about the bicy­cle mes­sen­ger trade. I mean, get­ting … an assign­ment, deliv­er the good quick­ly and then it is all com­plet­ed. One or a cou­ple or a few assign­ments at a time, com­plete them, then you’re done. Pick up some­thing here, deliv­er it there. Done!

There is some­thing about quick­ly com­plet­ing con­crete, clear­ly defined tasks that is so sweet. Tasks like that make it so obvi­ous to me that I get things done. Prob­a­bly that’s why I fan­cy the to-do-list so much. Pick some­thing, do it, check it off.

Espe­cial­ly tiny, short tasks that are quick­ly done. They are like can­dy. Pick one, com­plete it, pick anoth­er, com­plete it, pick yet one more, com­plete it. 

I find so much plea­sure in work­ing at the office, lis­ten­ing to music, com­plet­ing task after task in a won­der­ful flow.

Thank you, to-do-list, my beloved.

P S The music I pre­fer to lis­ten to while work­ing right now is, either Michael Nyman’s intense baroque pas­tiche score for Peter Greenaway’s The draughtsman’s con­tract”, or MGMTs sug­ges­tive Elec­tric feel”, that is out of this world.