Establish traffic rules for your apps and tools
Datum: 2025-02-18 09:40

The number of apps, tools, programs and services we use to do our jobs keeps increasing. Each one of all these is able to do or manage more and more which means that you nowadays can use different apps to do the same thing. The apps, tools, and services have gone from being specialized in and doing one thing really well to becoming more of a multitool.
You can chat with people more or less everywhere, save documents in a number of places, and set and get reminders and notifications for things you need to do from all kinds of sources. It is, in other words, a perfect setup for confusing you instead of supporting you.
For you who prefer listening to reading, this post is also available as an episode of the “Done!” podcast:
Not fewer, but clear on which is for what
You might assume that a person who believes in the benefits of structure as much as I do would recommend you to not use too many apps and limit yourself to a select few. Well, if you did, you would be wrong. I do not think that the solution is to limit the number of apps any more than I think that there would be fewer car crashes (when people are driving like crazy in all directions) if there were only fewer vehicles. Rather, I would say that the solution lies in establishing clear rules — for traffic as well as for how we use our apps.
Do this
If you also feel that your life becomes more difficult and messy when you save information or documents in several tools and when you communicate with people in a countless number of apps and services, then create clear rules. You can, for instance, do so like this:
- Grab a piece of paper and make a list on the left side of all the apps, services, programs, or tools you use in your work and life. It can, for instance, be Outlook, Gmail, Reminders on your iPhone, the folder structure on the common server, OneDrive, Google Drive, Excel, Google Docs, LinkedIn — well, you get the idea.
- On the right side of the paper, you now make a list of the different functions or operations you perform with the apps, programs, and tools, or the needs these tools help you meet. I imagine your list will be comprised of things such as email, direct messaging, chat, store documents you need to keep, write notes during meetings, keep track of all your tasks, view your calendar, collaborate with others, and much more.
- Now draw lines between the various tools and the functions that represent what you use them for.
- When you are done, take a look at the grid that has emerged on your paper and ask yourself:
- When a function has lines attached to it originating from several apps, could you remove any of the lines, meaning stop using the app for this particular function in order to have a more clean and clear usage of all the apps and so that you do fewer operations using each app? You could, for instance, start taking notes in only OneNote and no other application. Or, you could stop writing down things you have to do in a tool you actually use for something else but which happened to have a list feature as well and instead use your one and only to-do list.
- Now do what you need to do in order to rearrange your workflow, documents, messages, etcetera in order to follow the newly established traffic rules.
“This for that” will make your day flow
If you establish rules and make it clear to yourself what every app or tool is “allowed” to do or be used for, you will spend less time looking for things you wrote somewhere or what a colleague wrote in a thread or chat message somewhere. Instead, you will know for sure what you use for what purpose.
No more saving the same document in two places (or creating the same document twice, for that matter) or looking for the particular thread in which you know something special was mentioned. Instead of stealing your time, the apps and tools will help you make your life and work easier.
What’s your way?
What have you done to keep track of all your apps and tools and to determine which one you use for what? All your clever ideas and tricks are more than welcome. Share them in an email to me!
(By the way, have you figured out why you stop using the app you are testing?)
Want more?
If you want more tips on how to create good structure at work, there are many ways to get that from me - in podcasts, videos, books, talks and other formats.