Get rid of emails and messages you do not want to spend time on
Datum: 2025-03-17 08:32

In a study conducted at Carleton University, the researchers Duxbury and Lanctot found that the 1500 participants in the study spend on average a third of their work time processing emails. That is a little over 2,5 hours every day for the person who works eight-hour days. It strikes me as a lot but still sounds like what many of my clients and people I meet when lecturing tell me when describing their workdays.
For you who prefer listening to reading, this post is also available as an episode of the “Done!” podcast:
Not just email anymore
The study was done in 2017. Since then, chat-based collaborative platforms such as Teams, Slack, and others like them have spread like wildfire, meaning that we have all kinds of messages in addition to regular emails to process and address on a daily basis.
Some people I meet say that introducing Teams has reduced the number of internal emails, but many still feel that they spend much more time than they would like on reading, writing, responding, emailing, and chatting.
Many are important, but some are worthless
Many of the messages and emails we get and interact with are absolutely necessary and valuable to us in doing our job (you might even say that reading and responding are tasks as well), but I am guessing you also receive quite a few things that just steal your time and focus for no good reason and without adding any real value.
Let us ensure you get fewer of these from now on.
Do this
Allow me to suggest you do the following:
- Today, as you receive emails and other messages, keep an eye out for those you really do not want to spend any time on. These messages will be distinguishable by them not adding any value or helping you get your job done. Perhaps it is even unclear why you are receiving them at all.
- Do what you can today to prevent yourself from getting any more. You could, for instance,
- Tell the sender that he or she need not spend their time sending your these emails from now on, but can use this time for more valuable things instead.
- Unsubscribe if you never read the contents anyways and there is an easily accessible link for doing so.
- Leave groups in which you are no longer an active participant.
- Remove channels where meaningless messages appear and which you do not necessarily need to follow (if you have to “have” the channel it seems to be a good idea to ask the others part of the same channel to refrain from sending these kinds of messages).
- Ignore conversations that have gone off in some irrelevant, other direction than the one they were originally going in and which you are no longer want to be a part of.
- Opt-out of the daily status-report email you otherwise might receive from services that send out this sort of notification.
- Now go on to enjoy the trimmed, pruned, more concentrated, and now more relevant, selection of emails and messages you will find in your inboxes from now on.
A tighter inflow
If you tighten up your inflow of messages and emails that are not of any great value to you (anymore), you will have to spend less time than before on reading and answering them. You will then have more energy for other tasks and the time you do spend on emails and messages will contribute more to both your work and the business as a whole.
What’s your way?
How have you ensured that your inboxes are filled with more relevant than irrelevant messages and emails? This definitely appears to be an accelerating problem in today’s completely digitalized world. I am very curious to hear what you have to share so feel free to email me.
(By the way, do you know how to monitor when someone uses a certain word in a chat message?)
I have more tips for you
If you want more tips on how to create good structure at work, there are many ways to get that from me - in podcasts, videos, books, talks and other formats.