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21 Jan

Get rid of the mote and your day will float

Datum: 2025-01-21 10:21

There are many things influ­enc­ing how we expe­ri­ence our work­days. Some issues are more promi­nent than oth­ers and con­cern what we do for a liv­ing, what indus­try we are in, and how we like our col­leagues. Oth­er aspects are small­er — but can still be very annoy­ing, irri­tat­ing, and itchy. 

Every time you catch a glance of some­thing that should be removed but is still there, you feel a lit­tle dis­con­cert­ed due to that you still have not got­ten around to it. When some­thing par­tic­u­lar­ly frus­trat­ing hap­pens today — again — you wish some­one would just do some­thing about it. When­ev­er you are about to start doing some­thing you do often, you are remind­ed of how cum­ber­some and dif­fi­cult the process of doing it is and you wish you did not have to deal with all this unnec­es­sary incon­ve­nience every time. 

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

Mote where it is least expected

These bumps in the road are unnec­es­sary hin­drances on your oth­er­wise quite clear path for­ward and well-func­tion­ing work­day. Most of these annoy­ances are eas­i­ly dis­patched of — although, not always entire­ly by our own doing since we are often depen­dent on oth­ers. But, you always have the option and oppor­tu­ni­ty to take the first step to reduce their num­bers and ensur­ing you have few­er hin­drances and annoy­ances in the future. Con­sid­er­ing the dif­fer­ence it makes to feel that you are tak­ing some kind of action to improve your sit­u­a­tion com­pared to feel­ing like a vic­tim to cir­cum­stance, every step in the right direc­tion is like­ly to have a pos­i­tive influ­ence on your well­be­ing — just like it has on mine when I take actions to do some­thing about what­ev­er both­ers me.

The first step is clar­i­fy­ing what motes” and annoy­ances you fre­quent­ly have to deal with.

Do this

If you want few­er sources of irri­ta­tion in your workday,

  1. Take out some­thing to write on, such as a notepad or an app — it does not mat­ter which.
  2. Set your phone’s alarm to five minutes.
  3. Dur­ing these five min­utes you write down every­thing you can think of that you feel is the least bit annoy­ing, irri­tat­ing, frus­trat­ing, stress­ful, or dif­fi­cult in some way. Per­son­al­ly, I am cur­rent­ly feel­ing a lit­tle despon­dent that I still have not hung the giant moose-tro­phy (mean­ing this) I had intend­ed to orna­ment my wall at work with and a lit­tle frus­trat­ed that so many of my work­days are much more frag­ment­ed than I want them to be.
  4. Alright. You now have a list of things you could sim­pli­fy, improve, or get rid of entire­ly. The list reveals that a smoother work­day is not only pos­si­ble but just around the cor­ner if you only make a few small changes. Choose the item on the list you believe will be the eas­i­est to do some­thing about.
  5. When you have locat­ed and booked a time-slot in the cal­en­dar suf­fi­cient­ly big for rem­e­dy­ing the annoy­ing thing you have in mind, try to iden­ti­fy the root cause of why it hap­pens in the first place. It might not be what you ini­tial­ly thought it was.
  6. Think of at least one solu­tion that either elim­i­nates the root cause or at least reduces its occurrence.
  7. Make the change, imple­ment the solu­tion as soon as you can, or take the first step to do so if you do not have the author­i­ty or knowl­edge need­ed to com­plete it all by yourself.

I out­lined this process in greater detail in my third book so I can assure you that there are plen­ty of things that could be done to improve your situation.

From spots to success

If you list all the lit­tle sources of irri­ta­tion or annoy­ances and then do some­thing about them, one by one, you will grad­u­al­ly find that your work­days are a lit­tle eas­i­er, smoother, and more enjoy­able. More of the things that just need to work smooth­ly now do. Only you know what the val­ue of hav­ing smoother days is to you, but to me it almost priceless.

What’s your way?

What are the motes” on your list? Write an email and tell me all about them. Per­son­al­ly, I’m eager to hear from you and per­haps I might even have a tip or trick that might help you resolve one of them.

(By the way, do you know of this way to make clear­ing and clean­ing eas­i­er?)

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