Get rid of the old desktop folder
Datum: 2024-01-31 08:10

Some of us save documents on the computer desktop. It may feel like a good idea because then we can access them easily. We then sort of “know where they are” all the time. However, those who apply this method see all the documents they have there simultaneously, even though they actually only need to access (and preferably see) one or a few of them at a time.
For you who prefer listening to reading, this post is also available as an episode of the “Done!” podcast:
Right in front of us
If we constantly see things we do not need at the moment, it might distract us from what we really need to find and work with right now. We see a document and come to think of something related to that file. It may even strike you that you should have done something with that document already (which is why you put it there in the first place), and you feel bad about not having done what you were supposed to.
One folder for all the old stuff — and then another one
After a while, it gets a bit messy on the desktop, so some people create a folder where they put all the documents — pending, just for now — so that the desktop becomes empty (except for this one folder) once again. It feels good. They name the folder “the old desktop”.
Time passes and they think to themselves that soon they will take care of the old folder. Soon. After a while, they avoid opening the folder, because they suspect it of being filled with a bad conscience — things they should already have taken care of. The folder “hovers” over them and drain energy, power, and focus — unnecessarily.
They are tempted to create yet another “old desktop”-folder to put everything in (to clean up again), but what to name the old folder then? “The old old desktop”?
It might be tempting, but do not do this.
Instead, do this
If you can identify with this little testimony from daily life, and if you at present moment have an “old desktop” folder, get rid of it this week — in one of the following ways:
- go through the whole folder in one go and trash or move the documents to their proper places, or
- allocate fifteen minutes every day to sorting through it until the folder is empty, or
- take ten documents a day until you can delete the whole folder.
One less problem
If you get rid of the “old desktop”-folder you now have one less problem hovering above you all the time. Would you not agree that getting rid of such a nuisance is worth a little effort?
What is your way?
How do you keep your computer desktop empty and free from distractions? If you have a clever way of keeping it empty and clean, please let me know.
(And, have you made sure that your folders are easy to find?)
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