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03 Dec

Give your future January-self a Christmas present

Datum: 2024-12-03 10:00
Two people exchange a small gift with a red bow over a desk filled with office supplies, laptops, and coffee cups.

Imag­ine com­ing back to work after a relax­ing hol­i­day over Christ­mas and New Year’s. You have rest­ed and let go of work com­plete­ly, but now it is time to get back into it since a lot of what is on your list needs to be fin­ished rather soon.

Say­ing that you feel reluc­tant to pick up the pace is an under­state­ment, but then, to your sur­prise, you notice that some­one has already done one of the tasks due in Jan­u­ary and it is lay­ing com­plete­ly fin­ished on your desk as if served on a sil­ver platter!

The fun­ny thing is, that the one who pre­pared this pleas­ant sur­prise for you, was you — but it was your for­mer, Decem­ber-ver­sion of yourself.

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

Only one more thing

If you are like most peo­ple, these final days before the Hol­i­days are hec­tic, to say the least, and the piles of things to do quite large. The tem­po is high and you are tick­ing things off your to-do-list at pace.

Sure­ly there is room for just one more task — just the one — which would be some­thing due in Jan­u­ary? Imag­ine the look of sur­prise on your face when you find the task all fin­ished in Jan­u­ary — what a gift!

Do this

Pro­vide your future self with some relief by:

  1. Brows­ing your to-do-list and iden­ti­fy­ing what is due in January. 
  2. Choose a task that you might as well do now.
  3. Include it amongst all the tasks you have pri­or­i­tized and will do before Christmas.
  4. That’s it. It will be more than enough.

A lit­tle more now, but less later

If you fin­ish some­thing today that you will not have to do lat­er, you will give your­self more of a nice, slow start in Jan­u­ary. You get to enjoy the real­iza­tion that some­thing you were get­ting ready to dig into is already done, and you will have time and ener­gy to invest in oth­er tasks. Your bur­den before Christ­mas does, how­ev­er, become slight­ly heav­ier, but per­haps only mar­gin­al­ly since you prob­a­bly have lots to do and are already work­ing at a high pace.

Do you have any oth­er ideas?

How do you ensure that your post-Hol­i­day Jan­u­ary and your tran­si­tion back to work is as smooth as pos­si­ble? Do you have any ideas or tips you would like to share? You nev­er know if your par­tic­u­lar tip is what helps some­one else to solve a real prob­lem in their lives — share it in an email to me!

(By the way, do you know what the best part of Decem­ber is?)

I'll give you more!

A cheerful Santa Claus wearing headphones and a red Santa hat is smiling in a snowy outdoor setting.

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