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16 Oct

Have internal meetings on fixed days

Datum: 2024-10-16 14:55
A group of colleagues is having a lively meeting around a table, with one woman standing and smiling as she speaks while others listen and take notes.

I was recent­ly invit­ed to do a course on struc­ture with the busi­ness soft­ware devel­op­ers Kalin Set­ter­berg Data in Stock­holm. They have tak­en a new grip on how they han­dle their meet­ings which I want to share with you today — with their per­mis­sion, of course.

Instead of sched­ul­ing meet­ings here and there, wher­ev­er there is time in the cal­en­dar, they have all their inter­nal meet­ings on Thurs­days and every oth­er Fri­day, which are there­fore their des­ig­nat­ed inter­nal meeting-days.

In between these days they can focus whole­heart­ed­ly on get­ting things done, have what­ev­er exter­nal meet­ings with sup­pli­ers, clients, etc they need to have and do what­ev­er else their respec­tive jobs entail. But, if two col­leagues need to sit down and have a meet­ing about some­thing, it hap­pens on a Thurs­day or every oth­er Friday.

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

At least three pos­i­tive effects

So what is the result or effect of this approach? Well, my con­tact at Kalin Set­ter­berg Data Josefin told me that, amongst oth­er things,:

  • It has become eas­i­er to sched­ule meet­ings since the par­tic­i­pants are, to a greater extent than before, avail­able since they already know on before­hand not to sched­ule any exter­nal meet­ings dur­ing these days.
  • Meet­ings sel­dom get resched­uled or post­poned since noth­ing ever sud­den­ly comes up” that has to be attend­ed to when the par­tic­i­pants know that these days are set aside for these meet­ings alone.
  • The need for hav­ing small and spon­ta­neous mini-meet­ings” between the actu­al meet­ing-days decreas­es since you know you will have plen­ty of time to meet and talk things out dur­ing the meet­ing-days, which in turn makes it eas­i­er to work with more con­cen­tra­tion on oth­er days.

Do this

If you think your office or orga­ni­za­tion should adopt some of Kalin Set­ter­berg Data’s ways, then:

  1. Think for a minute or two about what inter­nal meet­ings you could sched­ule on the same one or two days every week. Make a list, why don’t you!
  2. Sug­gest to your col­leagues dur­ing the next, appro­pri­ate inter­nal meet­ing (!) that you try it out, for instance, dur­ing the next quar­ter. If they agree, discuss:
    • How many days do you need to set aside every week? Per­haps you do not need two full days, but one will be enough. Or, do you have so many meet­ings and at such fre­quent inter­vals that you even need three whole days?
    • How often do you need to reserve days for inter­nal meet­ings? More often than every oth­er week? Or not even that often? The most impor­tant part is that you clear­ly des­ig­nate fixed days so that every­one can block” these in their calendars.
  3. Try it out, eval­u­ate (prob­a­bly dur­ing a Fri­day des­ig­nat­ed for this very kind of meet­ing!), and deter­mine if it is worth keep­ing as a practice.

Less effort, more focus

The seem­ing­ly sim­ple struc­ture-relat­ed take Kalin Set­ter­berg Data has tak­en on meet­ings could poten­tial­ly help loads of the peo­ple I talk to in a vari­ety of orga­ni­za­tions and com­pa­nies with what often frus­trates them: meet­ings. Inter­nal meet­ings will be sched­uled and held with less has­sle and hes­i­ta­tion (since it will become much eas­i­er to find a time when every­body is free), the meet­ings are not post­poned, and focus­ing on get­ting oth­er tasks done in between meet­ings becomes eas­i­er as well. It is quite an excel­lent idea, would­n’t you say?

What’s your way?

Have you done some­thing sim­i­lar at your office? Share! Most of us can prob­a­bly use a tip or two on how to bet­ter han­dle our meetings.

(Do you know this cure for unfo­cused meet­ings?)

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A man wearing headphones and a striped hoodie is standing in front of a red wall, looking directly at the camera.

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