Have what you need in the morning served automatically
Datum: 2025-03-10 08:50

One aspect of working with good structure is getting things done with as little effort as possible — preferably automatically, without any effort at all. Tasks you perform repeatedly are excellent objects for automation — partly because they are probably performed in a similar way every time and partly because having them performed automatically will ease your workload considerably since you would otherwise do them often, perhaps even daily.
For you who prefer listening to reading, this post is also available as an episode of the “Done!” podcast:
A smoother morning
Josephine wrote to me the other day and told me of how she simplified her mornings by changing her computer settings so that all the programs, apps, and services she otherwise opens manually every morning will now open automatically. Instead of opening every tool she needs one by one, she turns on the computer, goes to say hi to her colleagues, and when that short “round” is done, she returns to her desk to find everything ready and waiting for her.
This is a possibility and function that has been around as long as I can remember in both Windows and macOS, and perhaps you are already using it without really thinking about it, but if you have not consciously chosen what tools you want to be served automatically in the morning, this is an adjustment that will make quite a difference to your workday — every day.
Do this
First, make a list of what programs, apps, and services you would want to open automatically first thing in the morning.
Then, find out how you change these settings on your computer (since it is done differently depending on what operating system you use).
- If you have Windows 11, search for “Configure Startup Applications in Windows”.
- If you have macOS, search for “Open items automatically when you log in on Mac” and you will see how it is done on your Mac.
Finally, make the adjustments you need to in order to have all the right programs and apps run automatically as you start up your computer and your day. (A word of warning though: Do not remove or deactivate something that is already set to open automatically without consulting your IT department if your company has one and they set certain initial settings for your computer.)
As if on a silver platter
If you let the computer start all the things you will need in the morning automatically, you will no longer have to do a number of small tasks you otherwise have to perform daily. You will be served what you need on a silver platter without any effort on your part, and if you and I are anything alike, this will make you feel as if you got a slightly smoother start to your day. Feels good, doesn’t it?
What’s your way?
Have you automated some other recurring task that you wish to share with me? You could not possibly find a more eager listener when it comes to these kinds of tips and tricks since I am constantly striving to simplify my everyday life in any way I can. Write me an email to share your thoughts with me and other readers.
(By the way, there’s more ways to let your morning shape your day.)
Want more tips?
If you want more tips on how to create good structure at work, there are many ways to get that from me - in podcasts, videos, books, talks and other formats.