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10 Mar

Have what you need in the morning served automatically

Datum: 2025-03-10 08:50
A robotic hand in a business suit is pointing forward against a blue gradient background.

One aspect of work­ing with good struc­ture is get­ting things done with as lit­tle effort as pos­si­ble — prefer­ably auto­mat­i­cal­ly, with­out any effort at all. Tasks you per­form repeat­ed­ly are excel­lent objects for automa­tion — part­ly because they are prob­a­bly per­formed in a sim­i­lar way every time and part­ly because hav­ing them per­formed auto­mat­i­cal­ly will ease your work­load con­sid­er­ably since you would oth­er­wise do them often, per­haps even daily. 

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

A smoother morning

Josephine wrote to me the oth­er day and told me of how she sim­pli­fied her morn­ings by chang­ing her com­put­er set­tings so that all the pro­grams, apps, and ser­vices she oth­er­wise opens man­u­al­ly every morn­ing will now open auto­mat­i­cal­ly. Instead of open­ing every tool she needs one by one, she turns on the com­put­er, goes to say hi to her col­leagues, and when that short round” is done, she returns to her desk to find every­thing ready and wait­ing for her.

This is a pos­si­bil­i­ty and func­tion that has been around as long as I can remem­ber in both Win­dows and macOS, and per­haps you are already using it with­out real­ly think­ing about it, but if you have not con­scious­ly cho­sen what tools you want to be served auto­mat­i­cal­ly in the morn­ing, this is an adjust­ment that will make quite a dif­fer­ence to your work­day — every day.

Do this

First, make a list of what pro­grams, apps, and ser­vices you would want to open auto­mat­i­cal­ly first thing in the morning.

Then, find out how you change these set­tings on your com­put­er (since it is done dif­fer­ent­ly depend­ing on what oper­at­ing sys­tem you use).

Final­ly, make the adjust­ments you need to in order to have all the right pro­grams and apps run auto­mat­i­cal­ly as you start up your com­put­er and your day. (A word of warn­ing though: Do not remove or deac­ti­vate some­thing that is already set to open auto­mat­i­cal­ly with­out con­sult­ing your IT depart­ment if your com­pa­ny has one and they set cer­tain ini­tial set­tings for your computer.)

As if on a sil­ver platter

If you let the com­put­er start all the things you will need in the morn­ing auto­mat­i­cal­ly, you will no longer have to do a num­ber of small tasks you oth­er­wise have to per­form dai­ly. You will be served what you need on a sil­ver plat­ter with­out any effort on your part, and if you and I are any­thing alike, this will make you feel as if you got a slight­ly smoother start to your day. Feels good, doesn’t it?

What’s your way?

Have you auto­mat­ed some oth­er recur­ring task that you wish to share with me? You could not pos­si­bly find a more eager lis­ten­er when it comes to these kinds of tips and tricks since I am con­stant­ly striv­ing to sim­pli­fy my every­day life in any way I can. Write me an email to share your thoughts with me and oth­er readers. 

(By the way, there’s more ways to let your morn­ing shape your day.)

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