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16 Dec

How available is available enough?

Datum: 2024-12-16 09:04
A small white house sits isolated on a grassy, steep island surrounded by cliffs and the ocean.

If you are in some kind of man­ag­ing or lead­ing posi­tion it might feel impor­tant to be as avail­able to those you man­age or lead as pos­si­ble. After all, you are work­ing togeth­er on a reg­u­lar basis, you are keen to inspire that team-feel­ing, and with com­mon efforts, you will devel­op and grow the busi­ness you are work­ing in. 

Per­haps you have even allowed this core val­ue of yours to man­i­fest in one of the clear goals you have set for your­self and your work: You will be an avail­able boss. 

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

But some­times this man wants to be an island as well

Just like most oth­er peo­ple, you also have tasks that demand your full atten­tion and focus for longer stretch­es of time. If, when work­ing on these tasks, you were to close your door for a while, you would no longer be the avail­able boss you wish to be. So, your door is (lit­er­al­ly or fig­u­ra­tive­ly) always open.

Let us say you man­age to close the door when the demand­ing tasks need to be done. The tasks are impor­tant and nec­es­sary, but in spite of this, you feel bad about iso­lat­ing your­self and a voice at the back of your mind says that you should be avail­able right now since that’s what you promised you would be.”

Clar­i­fy the degree of availability

In order to close your door and get time and space to work undis­turbed with­out feel­ing bad about it, you need to deter­mine how avail­able you real­ly need to be. What lev­el of avail­abil­i­ty will suf­fice and be enough?

Do this

If you some­times need to make your­self unavail­able but simul­ta­ne­ous­ly have the ambi­tion to be an avail­able, present, and com­mit­ted leader, and you are find­ing it hard to make these seem­ing­ly oppo­site desires coex­ist, then do this:

  1. Con­sid­er what you actu­al­ly mean by avail­able”.
    • Does it mean that you need to be reach­able a cer­tain num­ber of hours every week?
    • Is it that your cowork­ers should be able to trust that you stop by their desk every morn­ing and that you then have time to address any issues or ques­tions they might have?
    • Is it that you always answer emails or oth­er mes­sages from your col­leagues with­in X num­ber of hours since you are almost nev­er in the office?
    • Or does it mean some­thing else to you?
  2. Depend­ing on how you define avail­abil­i­ty, there will be dif­fer­ent ways to mea­sure it. Deter­mine a val­ue or mea­sure­ment — a goal, if you will — that reflects what you believe is avail­able enough. How avail­able do you need to be in order to be suf­fi­cient­ly avail­able? Once this is estab­lished, ask your­self the oppo­site: how unavail­able is it OK for you to be?
  3. When you have arrived at how unavail­able you can allow your­self to be and still be as avail­able as you believe you should be (mean­ing, reach­ing the spe­cif­ic goal you just set), deter­mine a method or way that will allow you to ensure you get the time you need undis­turbed. This will enable you to be whole­heart­ed­ly present and avail­able when you are sup­posed to with­out feel­ing stressed about not get­ting that pre­cious time alone when you need to focus.
    • Will you close your door, switch your phone to silent mode, and shut down the email for a spe­cif­ic hour or two every day (which your cowork­ers are ful­ly aware of)?
    • Will you make your rounds” amongst the cowork­ers from time to time after which you can sit down to work undis­turbed for an hour until some­thing new comes up that some­one needs help with?
    • Will you turn off the inflow of mes­sages, emails, and phone calls from time to time with­out feel­ing bad about it since you know you will not have to answer any­thing in the next few hours anyway?
    • Per­haps you have some oth­er way to make sure you get time alone?

More to your lik­ing so that you have the ener­gy to help others

If you make it clear both to oth­ers and your­self how avail­able you will be, it will become pos­si­ble to be this avail­able and also attend to tasks and prob­lems which do not involve oth­ers. You will not be inter­rupt­ed as often as before yet still be the com­mit­ted and present leader you wish to be.

What’s your way?

How do you bal­ance being avail­able and unavail­able in your role at work? Feel free to email me!

(And, here’s how to remain focused when you need to be avail­able simul­ta­ne­ous­ly.)

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A young woman with curly red hair is working on her laptop while sitting outdoors in an urban area surrounded by tall buildings.

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