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19 Mar

How to create good hybrid meetings

Datum: 2025-03-19 09:05
A team of four people is sitting in a conference room having a hybrid meeting with six remote colleagues displayed on a large screen.

I was asked what my opin­ion on how to suc­cess­ful­ly man­age and lead hybrid meet­ings is (mean­ing, meet­ings where some par­tic­i­pants are present in the same room and oth­ers are join­ing remote­ly and vir­tu­al­ly, for instance, via Zoom or Teams). 

As you might have guessed, I, like so many oth­ers who are in the speak­er indus­try, have held count­less lec­tures, cours­es, and meet­ings via the dig­i­tal plat­forms over the last few years as well as hybrid meetings. 

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

What does the expert say?

I have my own expe­ri­ence to draw from, of course, and have accu­mu­lat­ed a num­ber of tips and tricks I use myself, but how to lead hybrid meet­ings in the best pos­si­ble way is not actu­al­ly the kind of struc­ture I have cho­sen to spe­cial­ize in. This is, there­fore, an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sult an expert on the topic.

Six tips for an effi­cient hybrid meeting

I con­tact­ed my fel­low speak­er and mod­er­a­tor, Anna Bell­man, who hap­pens to be our top­most expert on hybrid meet­ings here in Swe­den. When I asked her what we should keep in mind to cre­ate and facil­i­tate real­ly good hybrid meet­ings, she responded:

It is pos­si­ble to pro­vide every­one attend­ing with the same expe­ri­ence of the meet­ing and avoid that some par­tic­i­pants become sec­ondary only because they are not phys­i­cal­ly in the room, but it takes quite a lot of effort when it comes to struc­tur­ing the meet­ing and being clear on what is going on.

I want to share six tips that are par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant for effi­cient hybrid meetings:

  1. Use good tech­nol­o­gy: Both those present in the room and those par­tic­i­pat­ing vir­tu­al­ly should be able to see and hear one anoth­er, prefer­ably using sev­er­al cam­eras and angles.
  2. Have the same rules apply and tools avail­able for every­one: It should be equal­ly easy for every­one to ask for the floor. If you are ask­ing the remote par­tic­i­pants to use dig­i­tal inter­ac­tive tools, the par­tic­i­pants phys­i­cal­ly present should have a dig­i­tal unit each and be using the same tool.
  3. Lead the meet­ing in a pro­fes­sion­al man­ner: If you are the leader of the meet­ing, make sure that all the par­tic­i­pants are seen and heard on equal terms. It can be a good idea to use a side­kick who takes care of the tech aspect of the meet­ing and assists the vir­tu­al participants.
  4. Let the remote par­tic­i­pants go first: Start by intro­duc­ing the dig­i­tal par­tic­i­pants and make sure to let them answer ques­tions first to get them involved right off the bat.
  5. Describe what is hap­pen­ing in the room: Those who par­tic­i­pate dig­i­tal­ly might find it hard to per­ceive every­thing that is hap­pen­ing in the phys­i­cal space you are in. Tell them what is going on — and remem­ber that telling them too much is bet­ter than too lit­tle. Make sure to repeat ques­tions and impor­tant conclusions.
  6. Sum up and acknowl­edge: Ensure that every­one has drawn the same con­clu­sions and per­ceived the meet­ing in the same way. Do a check-out and let every­one sum up what they under­stood from the meet­ing. You can also send out a sum­ma­ry of what you decid­ed afterward.”

These were some excel­lent tips if you ask me. Thank you, Anna!

Do this

The next time you are lead­ing a hybrid meet­ing, choose one or sev­er­al of the tips Anna Bell­man pro­vid­ed us with here and try apply­ing them. Address the vir­tu­al par­tic­i­pants first, get more cam­eras and screens so that every­one can see each oth­er prop­er­ly, state out loud what is hap­pen­ing in the room to ben­e­fit those not phys­i­cal­ly present, or do some­thing else inspired by one of the oth­er tips.

After the hybrid meet­ing, eval­u­ate how you did and reflect on what worked and what you could do a lit­tle bet­ter next time. Did some­thing unfore­seen hap­pen dur­ing the meet­ing which you can avoid the next time you lead a sim­i­lar meet­ing by doing some­thing differently?

From suf­fi­cient to super in no time

If you con­scious­ly refine how you lead hybrid meet­ings, this type of meet­ing will become more than just a com­pro­mise or sub­sti­tute for either com­plete­ly dig­i­tal meet­ings or com­plete­ly phys­i­cal meet­ings. The ways in which you and your col­leagues can meet with­out los­ing tem­po or vibe increas­es and the chances of find­ing a slot in the cal­en­dar when every­one is avail­able on short notice becomes sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter than before. 

You sim­ply become more flex­i­ble. And as a bonus, the qual­i­ty of the hybrid meet­ings as such will improve as well — some­thing that will ben­e­fit all par­tic­i­pants, whether they are phys­i­cal­ly present or not.

What’s your way?

Do you have some oth­er tips on how to make hybrid meet­ings effi­cient or more valu­able? Please email me — there are many who could use your best tips right now!

(By the way, have you heard about this trick to sched­ule meet­ings smart­ly?)

Book a digital lecture for your team

A man in an orange shirt is sitting at a desk in a modern office, watching a lecture on his laptop while surrounded by green plants.

I conduct most of my lectures in person at my clients’ locations.

However, if your team members are spread across multiple locations (in different countries, for instance) and you want to help them achieve better structure, booking a digital lecture with me is an excellent solution. I will then hold the talk for you via Teams, Zoom, or Google Meet.

Would you like me to describe a possible setup for this?

Absolutely – please send me a quote