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08 Oct

How to find the right email quickly

Datum: 2024-10-08 13:00
Two paths are depicted: one is straight and simple, while the other is tangled and complex, both leading to the same destination.

Receiv­ing and pro­cess­ing emails in a man­ner that ensures you do not miss any­thing, answer­ing at an accept­able rate, and keep­ing the incom­ing emails at a rea­son­able lev­el, is one thing; but find­ing emails you have received or sent at some point which you have saved some­where, is some­thing else.

The strate­gies for stor­ing emails in a smart way vary great­ly. Some cre­ate an advanced fold­er struc­ture in their email inbox so that they can eas­i­ly click their way to where the email is stored. This does, how­ev­er, come with a few tricky con­sid­er­a­tions since some emails could just as well belong in sev­er­al fold­ers and if you have a lot of them, you will have a lot of click­ing to do before find­ing what you seek.

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

Oth­ers, there­fore, choose to sim­ply file away all emails into a sin­gle fold­er and do a search for the emails they want to find. When opt­ing for this alter­na­tive, they might use the more advanced search func­tions avail­able in most email clients.

Search with style!

Dur­ing a lec­ture I held recent­ly, it occurred to me that these more advanced ways to con­duct a search are nei­ther as wide­ly known nor used as they could be.

Allow me there­fore to pro­mote them a lit­tle today.

In addi­tion to search­ing for a com­bi­na­tion of words you want simul­ta­ne­ous­ly includ­ed in the email you want to find, you can also search for:

  • emails sent by a cer­tain per­son between two par­tic­u­lar dates
  • emails that do not con­tain a spe­cif­ic word
  • emails that include a cer­tain word in the sub­ject line and which is there­fore about” something
  • emails with attachments
  • and much more.

You will here find detailed expla­na­tions of how to do all of the above in

Do this

The next time you search for an email and obtain way too many search results, try doing a more advanced search instead of scrolling your­self dizzy.

If you want to, print the page with the descrip­tion of how to do advanced search­es in your par­tic­u­lar email client and use it as a guide until you are a real pro at doing advanced searches.

Find it faster

If you use the fan­cy search func­tions you will sim­ply find what you are look­ing for faster. No more frus­tra­tion due to not find­ing what you need when you need it, even though you know you saved it here somewhere”.

You will not be as depen­dent on main­tain­ing order in your email fold­ers either, which in turn will save you both time and energy.

What’s your way?

What your favorite trick to faster find­ing what you seek — whether it con­cerns your email or some­thing else? If you have a good tip, please feel free to share it with me.

(But how about mak­ing fold­ers easy to find?)

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