Mutewatch is here!
Datum: 2011-07-05 11:08

Ever since I little over a year ago for the first time heard Mai-Li Hammargren speak of the watch with a soundless vibrating alarm she was developing, I have from time to time been in situations when I silently wished I had a Mutewatch on my wrist.
When I give a talk I wish to be notified when I have ten minutes to go without being distracted from what I am speaking about.
When I am in the middle of a one-man-session I want to keep track of time without repeatedly checking my wrist for the time, which would distract both me and my client when we are working.
When I am deeply absorbed in my writing, it is nice to have the watch silently and discretely vibrate to remind me that it is time to leave the office to reach the meeting in time.
Mutewatch is launched on Thursday in Berlin and I will be there. In the fall you will be able to purchase Mutewatch from us at Stiernholm Consulting.
I want a white one. And you?