Oooh, it's Monday morning...
Datum: 2010-10-27 11:56

Have you too experienced arriving at work Monday morning, skimmed through what you’ve got to do this week and felt so overwhelmed that you’ve felt completely blocked out? ??You can’t get started and you get nothing done, and this in itself doesn’t exactly improve things.??If this is the case, you’re not alone.
It’s in moments like these we need a firm and simple way to address this Monday-deadlock, whenever it may occur during the week.??Let’s face it, the last thing you need when you’ve got a lot to do is to waste time. The sooner you get started, the more you’ll be able to complete, the less stressed you will feel and your are less likely to feel blocked again.
For example, do this
For me, it feels very good to have a “1 – 2‑3-technique” to use in situations like these. Here is an example of one: ?
- First of all, look through today’s schedule and see when you’ve got the next meeting. This is to know if there’s anything you need to do right away, in order to prepare for the meeting, despite that you’re feeling blocked. Let’s say you’ve got at least half an hour before you need to do something else. Alright, then you can exhale, at least for the moment.
- Turn off your phone, so that you’ll remain undisturbed. Sure, an important call might need to come through, but if you spend the first day of the week stressed, you’ll do a worse job than if you worked with peace of mind and the feeling that you’ve got everything under control.
- Look at everything you have written down that you have to do this week. Transfer anything you just as well could do next week to the next week in the agenda. Alright, now you know what you’ve got to play with.
- Make a quick priority and choose a to-do task to start working with. Prioritize by putting each thing you’ve got to do in relation to your and the business’ long-term vision and short term goals. You can also take into consideration which to-do tasks that are both important and urgent to get done. The task that would feel the best to get rid of can also be prioritized.
- Write down the task with the highest priority on a post-it note and put it somewhere where you’ve got it right in front of you while working.
- Set aside, close down, or hide your to-do-list (select the verb yourself that best applies). The Monday-deadlock originates in that you feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do this week. If you now have chosen which the most important task is, you’ll only be distracted if you sit and look at everything you don’t intend to do right now anyway.
- Do the to-do-task that you’ve chosen
- Crumple up the post-it note, throw it in the trash, enjoy the feeling of completion and choose a new task, repeating step 4.
?After a while the deadlock will loose it’s grip and the work will flow by itself.
Voluntary option
For even better results, process all e‑mail in your inbox so that it once again becomes empty.
How do you do it?
How do you do to get started with this week’s work on Monday morning?
Feel free to leave a comment below.