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02 May

Podcast: Done! No. 516 - Keep a log when decisions are made on the fly

Datum: 2022-05-02 08:45
Two plastic model office workers standing on a notepad, seemingly talking. On the pad, winding arrows in different directions are drawn.

Some­times we get involved in a project or work­group where every­thing is hap­pen­ing very fast. All par­tic­i­pat­ing col­leagues are eager to get mov­ing on what you decide to do and it becomes dif­fi­cult to keep the deci­sion-mak­ing con­tained to the reg­u­lar, for­mal­ized meet­ings. So, you make deci­sions on the fly. But, what if you for­get to inform the col­leagues that were not involved in the deci­sion what you actu­al­ly have decided?

In this episode, the 588th, I share a tool for keep­ing track of what you have agreed on.

How have you kept track of past deci­sions made and how has it been use­ful to your and/​or your team? If you have any expe­ri­ence with this method, please get in touch and let me know what dif­fer­ence it has made to you and your com­pa­ny, depart­ment, or team. 

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