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22 Aug

Podcast: Done! No. 523 - Write a CV of mistakes

Datum: 2022-08-22 08:45
Two shirt dressed hands skimming through a CV on a blue desk, pen in hand.

Wel­come to the autumn sea­son and a new edi­tion of Done! — the 523:rd count­ing from the start!

I hope you have had a beau­ti­ful sum­mer (in the north­ern hemi­sphere, that is), as I have. Apart from emp­ty­ing my sold parental home, I got quite a few hot days lying flat on an islet in the sea close to home and even a nice trip to and around New Eng­land (we loved it!). 

This week’s edi­tion is actu­al­ly about mis­takes and why it might be wise to col­lect them.

What was the most recent struc­ture mis­take you made? I told you about mine. If you’d be will­ing to share yours, I am all ears.

(A mis­take is easy to make — espe­cial­ly if you make a wrong assump­tion!

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