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21 Aug

Podcast: Done! No. 563 - Five questions to start the fall in a structured way

Datum: 2023-08-21 08:45
Yellow autumn leaves on a tree.

Sum­mer has end­ed and fall is here. Let’s make this autumn sea­son a great one! But how? And, what does great” look like?

In Done! No. 563 — the first episode after a long sum­mer break — I share five quick ques­tions that helps you make this sea­son how you want it.

How do you ensure that your fall turns out the way you want it? Do you do any­thing spe­cial this time of year to make it eas­i­er to suc­ceed towards the end of it? Write to me and tell me. I am curi­ous to hear what you share.

Does Do not dis­turb” feel too harsh to write on the sign you post by the door to your office (if you have one)? I have some alter­na­tive ideas of what to write.

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A middle aged dark haired woman looking at her iPhone while eating lunch in a inner city restaurant in New York.

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