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11 Mar

Podcast: Done! No. 590 - Pick up the phone - but, then…

Datum: 2024-03-11 08:45
A professional woman in a black blazer is multitasking, speaking on the phone while writing notes and looking at a laptop.

When you doc­u­ment all the deci­sions you make while col­lab­o­rat­ing through email, chat and meet­ings, how do you make sure every col­league notices what you agreed on in a ran­dom quick phone call?

Today’s episode of Done! — No. 590 — is about what you can do to avoid a cer­tain kind of mis­un­der­stand­ing that might result in conflict.

Have you solved this prob­lem dif­fer­ent­ly? Please write to me and tell me. As you can tell, I col­lect tips like this, and I’m inter­est­ed in yours, too, of course.

Do you know about the spe­cif­ic things you can do to avoid wast­ing time on unnec­es­sary struc­tur­ing?

You could have read this tip instead!

Young woman with brown curly hair is sitting in a diner eating her lunch, while reading on her phone. She wears a red shirt on a light green top.

Done! is also available as a free newsletter to your email, if you prefer to read rather than listen (or both!).

I want to try it!