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13 May

Podcast: Done! No. 598 - Do you have your post-meeting fork in order

Datum: 2024-05-13 08:45
A silver fork lies on a wooden surface with the text "This is a post-meeting fork" printed on it.

Have you ever for­got­ten some­thing you promised in a meet­ing to do until next meeting?

In today’s 598th episode of Done!, you will learn about a habit that will pro­tect you from things you promise dur­ing meet­ings falling through the cracks.

What does your post-meet­ing fork look like? Write to me and let me know. I always wel­come tips and exam­ples of a good struc­ture, and I’m curi­ous about what you have come up with. Your email is very welcome.

Do you know any­one who could improve their meet­ing note man­age­ment — share this episode of Done! with them. You can for­ward it to them, and they will get a nudge from you (and me) in the prop­er struc­ture direction.

Here’s how to sum­ma­rize the long emails you have received.

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A middle-aged man with a beard, wearing a hoodie, is intently looking at his smartphone while sitting in front of a colorful boat.

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