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09 Sep

Podcast: Done! No. 607 - How to decline invitations to meetings you want to avoid

Datum: 2024-09-09 08:45
A smiling woman is holding a cup in a modern office environment, while people are having a meeting in the background.

You are invit­ed to a meet­ing but would rather not attend. How can you smooth­ly escape it?

In episode No. 607 of Done!, you will learn three ideas on how to avoid the worst meetings.

Here’s what Naval Ravikant has to say about meet­ings, emails and texts.

What tricks do you have for declin­ing meet­ings that you believe would be a waste of time? Write to me and tell me. Maybe you have a clever trick that allows you to skip the meet­ing and still con­tribute with what only you can.

Do you know how to craft a more infor­ma­tive sub­ject line to get respons­es faster to your emails?

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A man is sitting on a rock by the water, looking at his phone in a peaceful seaside setting.

If you want more tips on how to create good structure at work, there are many ways to get that from me - in podcasts, videos, books, talks and other formats.

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