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30 Sep

Podcast: Done! No. 610 - The new reason why breaking tasks into small steps speeds up success

Datum: 2024-09-30 08:45
A single red gift box sits on a deserted road next to a small evergreen tree, stretching into a vast and empty landscape.

Do you ever pro­cras­ti­nate? It may depend on how you val­ue rewards that are far in the future.

This week’s episode of Done! — No. 610 — is about a new study whose results can help you stress less close to a deadline.

Read the arti­cle in Nature about the study mentioned.

Give me an exam­ple of a good first step to take on a task you have been post­pon­ing, but not any­more! I sus­pect there are a hand­ful of arche­typ­al start­ing tasks that we can use as soon as we pro­cras­ti­nate on some­thing we want to get start­ed on.

So, please email me an exam­ple of a good start­ing task.

Do you know how to use the AI Microsoft Copi­lot to sum­ma­rize your meet­ing notes — even if you don’t want Copi­lot to lis­ten to your entire meeting?

Are podcasts not "your thing"?

A chestnut haired woman wearing a grey coat is holding a smartphone with both hands.

Done! is also available as a free newsletter to your email, if you prefer to read rather than listen (or both!).

I want to try it!