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09 Dec

Podcast: Done! No. 620 - Notify that you will soon be on vacation

Datum: 2024-12-09 08:45
A man in a business suit is standing in an office holding a sign that says, "I'm going on vacation soon!"

Do you want to avoid deal­ing with urgent fire­fight­ing sit­u­a­tions while on vacation?

Then, this week’s episode of Done! is for you.

Because, today, I’ll share how a sim­ple extra line can help you leave work behind more eas­i­ly when you’re on leave.

Do you do this, too? Or do you do some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent? Please write to me and tell me. In fact, two more read­ers con­tact­ed me inde­pen­dent­ly after Tomas did and told me that they do the same thing. Per­haps this is more com­mon than I have noticed.

Does hope or mind­ful­ness give you the best resilience in chal­leng­ing times?

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A woman dressed in festive red clothing with a hat and scarf is smiling while using her phone in a snowy setting.

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