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16 Dec

Podcast: Done! No. 621 - Is it worth it to have a plan?

Datum: 2024-12-16 08:45
A hand is using a red pencil to draw lines on a piece of paper.

The day nev­er goes as planned, does it? 

This year’s final episode of Done! explores why hav­ing a plan is still worthwhile.

How do you do it?

Do you usu­al­ly make a plan while com­pet­ing with every­thing spon­ta­neous­ly pop­ping up? How do you typ­i­cal­ly go about it? Tell me!

Here’s how I set up an auto­mat­ed pod­cast with AI from the newslet­ters I don’t have time to read.

I have more to gift you!

Santa Claus is sitting with headphones on, holding a wrapped gift in his hands.

If you want more tips on structure at work, there are several ways to get them from me – through podcasts, videos, books, talks, and more – without you needing to wish for it or behave particularly well during the year!

Yes, I want more tips!