Q...W...E...R...T...Y becomes QWERTY!
Datum: 2012-04-16 12:00

Do you spend a great deal of your time at work by a computer? Does your work description include a great deal of e‑mailing, phrasing and formulating things, typing things out and so on?
If you want to spend your time on more important matters, you could get rid of some to-do-tasks by delegating them to someone else, or you could just rearrange your priorities and rid yourself of them that way.
Either way you will have fewer tasks to do than you had to begin with.
But perhaps you still want to complete the same amount of tasks, only faster.
Leave the “hunt and peck”-system behind
If you perform many of your to-do-tasks by typing on your computer, you could manage more tasks in less time by simply typing faster, mechanically speaking.
How? Believe it or not, it is possible to learn.
The method is called “touch typing” and is said to have been invented in 1888. If you also took the class “Typing” in High School during the 80s’ (like I did), this is the method you would have learned. The classes with fast-typing exercises on double sheets with carbon-papers in between the sheets might not have been very inspiring, but things have changed and today there are many more accessible and fun ways to learn the same techniques.
Is increased speed really an end in itself?
But why spend time on learning how to type faster? Is there really any point to doing so?
Well, if you use the “touch typing”-technique you will be able to type what you want to type, only faster. Writing will simply become less of an inconvenience.
Another positive consequence of using this technique is that it will be easier to put the text you have in your mind on paper since you will not have to wait for your fingers to catch up with your line of thought. With a bit of practice, “touch typing” will eventually help you write almost as fast as you think.
If typing faster will make it more likely that you make note of your ideas on the computer, write down thoughts or the information from that sales-call you had, to a greater extent than you previously have, you will gain time since it will now be easier find what you previously wrote on a matter since digital documentation is more convenient to search through than analog material.
Learn with ease
Personally, I get bored and restless in a minute if I have to learn something new by just practicing. I need either to do something fun while learning or practice in a fun way in order to bare with myself through the learning process.
That is why I will now provide you with suggestions of two tools which aid you in learning to type faster and does so in fun ways.
Do this
- First you need to learn the actual “touch- typing”-method.
There is an excessive selection of free online-services with lessons and exercises. My personal favorite is Typing. Typingweb supplies everything from beginner lessons to exercises for the more advanced typist. The webpage is financed by commercials, but that does not reduce its utility and quality, if you ask me. If you wish to track your progress in typing faster, you can sign up for a free account, and if not, you just use the features as a “guest”. - Once you have learned “touch typing” (or while you are learning), it is time to increase your speed. Make sure to make it fun and playful!
At Typeracer you compete with others in a game similar to the Horse Racing game you find at a carnival. You are all given the same text and at a given signal you go ahead and type. Whoever is first to finish and with the least amount of mistakes, wins.
If you are like me, you will want to play “just one more time”. And while doing so you will improve your “touch typing” skills.
Being faster frees up more time
If you improve your typing-speed, all your at-the-computer-tasks will be completed faster and easier. You will have more time and energy to spend on the tasks you tend not to have time for.
You will also have an opportunity to enjoy some healthy competition and enjoyment in your work-day, as well as enjoy your progress in learning something new.
How do you improve yourself?
What is your best way to learn something new which you might need to know, in a fun way? Write a comment to let the Done!-readers in on your best tips.