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01 Oct

Set a limit for what is enough

Datum: 2024-10-01 10:00
A man in jacket and tie is standing on stage, presenting to an audience and gesturing with one hand.

After get­ting a lot of things done, intense­ly, through­out an entire day, it can feel at the end of the day like I haven’t done any­thing at all. Have you ever heard some­one else expe­ri­ence this, or is it just me?”

This was one of the many ques­tions I received after my lec­ture on struc­ture at Chalmers Stu­den­tkår’s (Chalmers Stu­dent Union) per­son­al devel­op­ment-themed day Of Course.”

It’s not just you 

Of course, I’ve heard about it, and I can rec­og­nize it in myself, too,” I replied.

It’s because you’re very ambi­tious. And, there’s no end to how much you could do (study, in this case, I assume). The tasks nev­er end. There­fore, it would be espe­cial­ly valu­able for you to quan­ti­fy what you aim to achieve, to set a lim­it for what is enough.

Stretch a fin­ish line that you’ve crossed when you’re done. You can always run a bit more, but at the fin­ish line, you’re done — for today.”

What’s your best tip? 

And now I ask you: what’s your best tip for coun­ter­act­ing the feel­ing of insuf­fi­cien­cy after a day when you’ve worked hard and that feel­ing still appears?

Please write to me and let me know. I’m curi­ous to hear.

Thank you, Chalmers Studentkår! 

And, thank you for the invi­ta­tion, Chalmers Stu­den­tkår! It was a plea­sure to vis­it you!

Book a lecture for your themed day

A blonde man in a brown jacket, blue tie and navy trousers gives a talk on a stage, pointing at the word "Structure." on the screen behind him.

Chalmers Studentkår had booked me for their themed day on personal development.

I am often booked as a speaker for themed weeks and days on health, stress, and life balance.

Would you like me to attend your themed week as well? If so, please reach out, and I’ll send you a proposal.

Yes, please, I’d like a proposal