
Blog / Categories / Delegate

24 Mar

Podcast: Done! No. 632 - Show how it's done with a video

Datum: 2025-03-24 08:45

When will you find time to show your colleague how to do something when both of your calendars are full with no gaps?

This week’s episode of Done! - No. 632 - is about how you can show others how ...

03 Jun

Bundling questions make you more efficient

Datum: 2024-06-03 10:00

A great thing about having colleagues is that you can receive help and guidance when you need it. And, it is a joy and privilege to ...

30 May

They settle it in Fight Club

Datum: 2024-05-30 11:06

A week ago it happened again, the thing that makes my work so enriching - someone told me about a brilliant trick! Halfway through one of my open courses in Stockholm, Annette approached me and said ...

16 May

Learn something new in less than 10 minutes

Datum: 2024-05-16 09:08

Do you also tend to forget things you have just learned? Someone shows you how to perform a task you have just been made responsible for and in that moment it is so obvious how to do it, but the first time you are about to perform it yourself ...

29 Jan

Make it easier to delegate

Datum: 2024-01-29 09:00

Sometimes a large task takes longer than we had anticipated. We thought we would have more than enough time to finish before Friday and even time to do other tasks, but something comes up and ...

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