Video: Make your out of office message clearer
Datum: 2025-03-24 09:41
How free do you actually feel when you’re off work?
If you’re a manager, entrepreneur, or have a key role in your job, you often need to be “somewhat available” even when ...
How free do you actually feel when you’re off work?
If you’re a manager, entrepreneur, or have a key role in your job, you often need to be “somewhat available” even when ...
When you receive emails with files attached, these are usually not supposed to ...
In a study conducted at Carleton University, the researchers Duxbury and Lanctot found that the 1500 participants in the study spend on average a third of their work time processing emails...
One aspect of working with good structure is getting things done with as little effort as possible - preferably automatically, without any effort at all ...
Do you have many different email accounts to manage?
It’s quite a hassle.
This week’s episode of Done! is about how to gather your email inboxes in a simple way.
Last time I was in Japan I was fascinated - as so many times before - by the precision with which the Japanese trains come to a full stop right at the designated point on the platform.
The number of apps, tools, programs, and services we use to do our jobs keeps ...
Some email conversations are really valuable, while others lose their value after a while. It started off fine with ...
Establishing a structure that ensures you have time for all the important things you need to do can be difficult. There are many traps and pitfalls to potentially stumble into with the consequence of ...
There are many things influencing how we experience our workdays. Some issues are more prominent than others ...
As you improve your personal structure, you obtain new tools and think of new even more organized ways of doing things ...
It feels incredibly good to be caught up on all your correspondence - perhaps even manage to empty your various inboxes ...
Only checking your inbox for new emails deliberately, when you choose to rather than the moment a new message arrives, is a great habit to cultivate for many reasons …
Most people have a multitude of channels for communication these days ...
Have you ever had to work very late one night and right after finally sending those last emails that have been ...
Forgetting to respond to or completely missing a message you have received does not feel very good; especially if it is from someone with whom you want to ...
Do you want to avoid dealing with urgent firefighting situations while on vacation?
Then, this week's episode of Done! is for you.
Because, today, I’ll ...
Times are definitely difficult and when the future feels uncertain and it is hard to know what to expect, it is easy to ...
It becomes harder to find a possible time for a meeting the closer to the present moment you are - especially if you are ...
How organized you are can influence how others perceive you. This is what a study...