Could you get too much of the good stuff?
Datum: 2017-04-03 16:01
During an interview I gave the other day I was asked ”Isn’t there a risk that we structure things too much?”. I understand this concern, and I ...
During an interview I gave the other day I was asked ”Isn’t there a risk that we structure things too much?”. I understand this concern, and I ...
There is something paradoxically wonderful and thrilling about not prioritizing at all, but just improvising everything, putting out fires and doing what is either urgent, happens to come into our field of view or what we are asked by others to do ...
Done, done, done - don’t you just love the feeling of getting something done, when it is over, when we can cross it off our list, and when we have gotten one step further? I sure do. But somehow, some things never seem to get done ...
”I don’t have time”. How often don’t we hear people say this? How often don’t we say it ourselves? And how many times have we not heard ...
Are you feeling the acceleration now as well? Summer is drawing near and we are rapidly approaching vacation. A client I spoke to the other day said that ...
When it comes to having good structure it is crucial that we are concrete, detailed and precise - especially when we are formulating ...
One rather easy way to increase your ability to plan in advance in your work is to every week do ...
Practically everyone I meet receive a substantial amount of e-mails. But when I pose the question ”How many e-mails do you generally receive in a day?” during a lecture, the answers ...
There are countless great apps, programs and web services that assist us by managing our one and only to-do-list. In this single location we can ...
Some tasks we perform are unique. We do them once, break new ground, innovate and develop something new. But, most people also ...
Do you enjoy working? Do you find it easy to get into a high working-pace where you enjoy the process of ...
Sometimes when the deadline is fast approaching, some of us are tempted to ...
If you are well on your way in terms of creating and applying good structure you will surely have experienced the ...
When I meet with managers and other decision-makers in the organizations I hope will become my clients, it comes naturally to talk in terms of efficiency. I describe how ...
Most of us have a job and a professional situation which makes us tend to prioritize the short, urgent tasks that pop up on a daily basis, and therefore ...
"So what can we do to maintain our good structure?", I asked the course participants. To this question they responded ...
Having foresight and a long-term plan is worth ...
Do you find it difficult to completely relax and not think about work during the weekend? If so ...
Making a conscious effort to from time to time stop and skim through the calendar a ...
Much of the time wasted on nothing special in our daily lives has its origin in us being ...