Five ways to keep track of your deadlines
Datum: 2014-01-28 09:13
By now most of us have started working and for many people the spring will be filled with activities, tasks and deadlines all the way until ...
By now most of us have started working and for many people the spring will be filled with activities, tasks and deadlines all the way until ...
I am guessing that you by now have been back at work for one or a couple of weeks after being away for your Christmas holiday. What was it like to ...
Are you in the habit of postponing things you need to do? Do you catch yourself thinking ...
Sure we need structure and systematic working methods. But sometimes we simply need to work faster ...
Sometimes our newly established and super-structured working methods run smooth like clockwork. But occasionally everything collapses and ...
As I was working in the garden a few days ago I turned a stone, and under it a colony of ants had made their home. As I lifted the stone, frantic activity amongst the ants erupted. A few days later I lifted the stone again but ...
Sometimes no matter what you do, you cannot seem to progress with a certain task. We know we need to complete it by the end of the day, but we feel great resistance and ...
Do you have small recurring tasks you need to do but which you find it difficult to remember? You keep thinking “Oh, right, I needed to…” over and over again ...
When we are in an intense phase of work and our available primary tools are the e-mail, the to-do-list and the calendar, it can be hard to see the full picture. Sure, you can have ...
When you are in the process of improving you structure at work, it is highly probable that you will need to change a habit or two as well, that is, how you deal with certain situations in your everyday life. It might be ...
The other week I stayed at a nice hotel in the center of Oslo. If you travel a lot, you will be aware of that the standard of hotels can vary significantly. Some places do not ...
Not all tasks we perform in our work are of equal importance. Some are the type of things we just need to get done and other tasks are of the kind that makes the business take quantum-leaps forward in the right direction. Those of us with ...
Sometimes when I tell people I am a ”struktör”, I get asked the following question: ”OK. Well, you work with this every day, tell me: ...
How does your perfect week look? Probably not like those 5 days you spend every year on a sunny beach in a warm place, even if this image might spontaneously come to mind when asked such a question. But do not let this get you down, such a lifestyle can ...
When we have more to be done than there is time to do things in, we need to prioritize amongst all the things we have to do. We can not do everything at the same time and perhaps not ...
From time to time, especially when things are hectic and you have a lot on your plate, it can be of great value to sit down and reflect. When we reflect on things and write down or sketch out what we need to reflect on, we get ...
Are you in the habit of breaking your day-plan?
Do you tend to have an idea of what you want to do and complete during the day in the morning, which at lunch-time makes you feel slightly queasy with stress, and which ...
Do you spend a great deal of your time at work by a computer? Does your work description include a great deal of e-mailing, phrasing and formulating things, typing things out and so on? Then you might want to consider learning the ultimate skill for drastically decreasing the time spent typing ...
We pick tasks from our to-do-list which we think we will be able to finish in the time we have at our disposal at the moment. We often make an accurate guess and manage to complete the task before it is time for something else. But sometimes we only manage to get half-way through what we are doing before we get interrupted by ...
When our lives are just spinning and you feel as if your everyday-life is like a rat race it is easy to lose sight of where you are going. Saying that it is important to explicitly formulate a vision for what you strive to achieve in the long run, is almost a truism. But I am not saying it for nothing. Remembering this will make what you do in your everyday life feel ...