
Blog / Categories / Goals

14 Dec

Eight parking-lots for your ideas

Datum: 2011-12-14 11:00

On occasion, you get an idea or two. They are amazing, marvelous and exciting ideas and sometimes even show a true stroke of brilliance. If you are in luck, they fit right in with what you need to focus your strength and energy on right now. But they can often concern matters which ...

30 Nov

What is the status of your structure?

Datum: 2011-11-30 11:00

If you sense that you need to make improvements in your personal structure, there is only one way to get started. Perform a ...

20 May

Goal setting for anyone

Datum: 2011-05-20 09:07

Far too often whilst helping people in a wide range of organisations, we hear them struggle to describe what goals they have. Some do not know what goals they need to reach on a monthly basis and far too many of those who do know, have defined their goals in quite diffuse terms.

The result is ...

01 Oct

Make it easy to check off

Datum: 2010-10-01 13:16

We who do our best to be structured, do it because we want to move forward; we want a progressive movement in our life, in our careers or in our business.

What this “forward” looks like, is different for all of us, but what we have in common is that we decide to achieve something and then work as smoothly as possible in order to succeed. ??That’s why we need to see if we are actually moving forward, as well as define things we can do actively so that we’re truly taking steps in the right direction.

This means that ...

30 Aug

Burn your goals!

Datum: 2010-08-30 09:32

A couple of weeks ago I gave a talk at KY-Akademien, a college for advanced vocational education and training here in Gothenburg, Sweden. The audience was the students at the two-year programme for Advertising and Marketing and my topic was “Vision and goals (and how it really works in everyday life),” on how to do to define a long-term vision for yourself or your business and break it down into shorter, more detailed milestones (and in particular on the importance thereof).

At the end of the half day seminar, ...

21 Apr

Measure and it will help you establish a new habit

Datum: 2010-04-21 18:02

Have you, just like me, from time to time attempted to establish a new habit, and have had some trouble with succeeding? Maybe you attempted trying a new approach to improve your personal structure.

You have used the new approach for a while, but run out of steam and direction and started to run in the same old tracks again. Sometimes ...

10 Feb

You can’t see the curves for all the graphs?

Datum: 2010-02-10 09:54

Choose a word, any word, and say it out loud to yourself over and over again. After a while it becomes more like a sound than a word and it looses its meaning.

I’ve experienced a similar effect at a few management team meetings. It may have been the tenth management team meeting for the year and just after lunch when we’ve come to the chart concerning how the eighth key figure is evolving, ...

11 Dec

To see your accomplishments as a swimming pool

Datum: 2009-12-11 10:28

This autumn I have again had the opportunity to work with a group of entrepreneurs within a project called “Spira” (in English “spire”) here in Gothenburg. In this project, ten fresh entrepreneurs get help building their business during six intense months.

My assignment was to give a talk and to hold a workshop on how to formulate a long term vision and how to break it down into short term, detailed goals and milestones to guide you on an average workday. A month later, I met with every individual entrepreneur to work on their particular questions and challenges, regarding how to reach your long term goal as easily as possible.

When I sat down with ...

07 Oct

How to make your business make sweet music

Datum: 2009-10-07 11:51

We can be very efficient as individuals, but to be successful in making the company evolve into what we want it to become, we need to connect our structured and productive working habits with the overall structure of the company.

This structure can be expressed in terms of ...

26 Aug

If you know where you are heading, you know what is right

Datum: 2009-08-26 22:30

The vision, as all the other parts of the management process, is a powerful tool that can play a decisive role for the business, even on an average workday.

But far too often, the vision is not utilized at its full potential. So, to what uses can we put the vision as a tool?

17 Aug

What structure is and what it is good for

Datum: 2009-08-17 22:21

Welcome to the Structure Blog.

I, David Stiernholm, am a ”struktör”, which means that I create good structure and efficient work procedures for organizations and their key people.
But, why structure? What is the point with good structure? Isn’t that a very square, bureaucratic and limiting concept?

As I see it, on the contrary.

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