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23 Feb

Fifty nuances of no

Datum: 2022-02-23 15:04

Saying no to a colleague who asks for our help can be very difficult for many of us. It is easy to judge yourself and think that ...

09 Dec

You do not have to only work digitally

Datum: 2021-12-09 10:00

I have noticed that having and using papers in your work, especially a lot of papers, is by some people regarded as being old-fashioned. Someone shamefully confesses ...

27 Sep

Datum: 2021-09-27 13:35

Do really every participant attend the entire meeting? Often not, apparently. Magnus, a participant at one of my seminars recently, told me about ...

12 Apr

A model for delegating which includes a waiting reward

Datum: 2021-04-12 16:01

When I held a course in structure in Trollhättan, Sweden, not too long ago, one of the participants shared a trick which I thought was quite ingenious, different and fun. I am therefore glad to pass it on and share it with you today ...

29 Aug

Hit the breaks when the rush is over

Datum: 2017-08-29 16:06

Occasionally we have a deadline before which the workload seems to increase, and our working speed certainly does. For some, this ...

03 Apr

When the pen beats the laptop

Datum: 2017-04-03 15:35

What is best - making meeting notes using pen and paper or writing them digitally on a laptop or a tablet? As in so many other situations ...

13 Feb

Getting a handle on your time optimism

Datum: 2017-02-13 15:52

Believing in yourself and having an optimistic approach to the world around you is wonderful, but optimism regarding how long something takes often comes back to bite you ...

20 May

Saving time is great, but …

Datum: 2015-05-20 12:00

When I meet with managers and other decision-makers in the organizations I hope will become my clients, it comes naturally to talk in terms of efficiency. I describe how ...

13 May

Establish a seagull-free hour

Datum: 2015-05-13 12:00

Do you feel as if it takes a long time before you get going with your tasks and doings at the office in the morning? Just as you take a ...

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