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12 Sep

Raw data will help you stop hesitating

Datum: 2012-09-12 12:00

Have you ever postponed doing something since you feared that it would be unpleasant, that you would be criticized or that something negative would happen? You actually want to do it (or rather want to have it done), but ...

06 Jun

Are you structured enough to be able to relax?

Datum: 2012-06-06 12:00

When it is time for time off, such as last summer’s vacation, most of us want to feel and be freer our ordinary lives normally lets us. It feels good to allow for thoughts to flow freely and do whatever comes to mind. It is a true privilege to be able to let go of work and everything that our ordinary lives consist of, but unfortunately not everyone can do this effortlessly as ...

08 Feb

Set aside fifteen minutes for the future

Datum: 2012-02-08 11:00

When our lives are just spinning and you feel as if your everyday-life is like a rat race it is easy to lose sight of where you are going. Saying that it is important to explicitly formulate a vision for what you strive to achieve in the long run, is almost a truism. But I am not saying it for nothing. Remembering this will make what you do in your everyday life feel ...

14 Dec

Eight parking-lots for your ideas

Datum: 2011-12-14 11:00

On occasion, you get an idea or two. They are amazing, marvelous and exciting ideas and sometimes even show a true stroke of brilliance. If you are in luck, they fit right in with what you need to focus your strength and energy on right now. But they can often concern matters which ...

28 Sep

Six ways to keep all current projects in motion

Datum: 2011-09-28 12:00

Of all the things you have to do, some can be done in one go (classic to-do-tasks), while other things need to be regarded as larger projects.These projects can be long, large and extensive with numerous different activities, but they might as well ...

16 Dec

The beauty of getting an overview

Datum: 2009-12-16 09:03

Do you ever experience from time to time that you are just completing task after task, doing one detailed thing after another, and everything is spinning so fast that you can’t grasp what’s going on, and that you don’t even have the time to reflect on what week it is and what’s coming up next month? Join the club.

It’s one thing to be in a flow, to feel that everything is clicking and falling into place, that you move from clarity to clarity and are getting things done, but that is not the situation I am talking about.

The condition I have in mind can be recognized by that you feel a week has just begun when it suddenly is Friday, you are astonished to realize that a certain meeting was “this week already?!” or that you are always running out of time when you are close to a deadline. To use a worn, but none the less illuminating expression: “You can’t see the woods for all the trees”.

My solution to this situation is ...

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