
Blog / Categories / Podcast

24 Mar

Podcast: Done! No. 632 - Show how it's done with a video

Datum: 2025-03-24 08:45

When will you find time to show your colleague how to do something when both of your calendars are full with no gaps?

This week’s episode of Done! - No. 632 - is about how you can show others how ...

10 Feb

Podcast: Done! No. 626 - "Can't meetings be booked anymore, or?"

Datum: 2025-02-10 08:45

If you are more selective about which meetings you attend, and your colleagues do the same to create more room in their calendars, will you ever be able to schedule a meeting with all the key participants again?

In this week’s episode of Done! - No. 626 - you will discover how it’s still possible to find a suitable meeting time with colleagues who occasionally want to work without interruptions.

13 Jan

Podcast: Done! No. 622 - Make a minimum list

Datum: 2025-01-13 08:45

Do you never get to the end of your to-do list? There’s actually a way for you to do that every day.

The first episode of Done! for 2025 is about ...

25 Nov

Podcast: Done! No. 618 - Doodle yourself concentrated

Datum: 2024-11-25 08:45

Do you have a habit of doodling during meetings? Do you think you shouldn't do it? Think again.

In this 618th episode of Done!, you will learn of the surprising benefits of doodling.

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