Kick-start your day with a few quick tasks
Datum: 2017-06-05 12:02
So, how should we go about this? Should we ”eat the frog” and ...
So, how should we go about this? Should we ”eat the frog” and ...
More and more of the organizations I help are transitioning into using Microsoft’s Office 365 Online. There are of course still ...
Some days are just so busy. You work and work, and suddenly the workday is over. Suddenly it is Friday again. And before you know it, it is time for a holiday. The intense workdays turn into ...
One of the reasons why we sometimes have such an overwhelming amount of things to do, is that we are doing ...
During an interview I gave the other day I was asked ”Isn’t there a risk that we structure things too much?”. I understand this concern, and I ...
When I speak to my clients about what ”steals” their time, ”inefficient ...
Done, done, done - don’t you just love the feeling of getting something done, when it is over, when we can cross it off our list, and when we have gotten one step further? I sure do. But somehow, some things never seem to get done ...
If we are keeping track of all the things we need to do, have organized the materials we need, and manage our flows of information so systematically that we feel on top of things ...
Today is a new day. This year is not like the last. Even if time sometimes appear to be an illusion, we can regard this turn of the year as a transition into something new - a new chapter, that begins with a new, white page ...
When it comes to having good structure it is crucial that we are concrete, detailed and precise - especially when we are formulating ...
Practically everyone I meet receive a substantial amount of e-mails. But when I pose the question ”How many e-mails do you generally receive in a day?” during a lecture, the answers ...
Some tasks we perform are unique. We do them once, break new ground, innovate and develop something new. But, most people also ...
If you are well on your way in terms of creating and applying good structure you will surely have experienced the ...
When I meet with managers and other decision-makers in the organizations I hope will become my clients, it comes naturally to talk in terms of efficiency. I describe how ...
Last april I held a course at a leading company in the lighting-industry which is growing and expanding quickly. At lunch one of the participants told me about ...
Believe it or not, but the summer and time for vacation will be here sooner than you think. It might feel ...
Most of us have a job and a professional situation which makes us tend to prioritize the short, urgent tasks that pop up on a daily basis, and therefore ...
"So what can we do to maintain our good structure?", I asked the course participants. To this question they responded ...
When colleagues comes to us for help, shouldn’t we always ...
Have you ever been in a meeting where when you are just about to elaborate on why we really need to solve that particular problem ...