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29 Apr

Plan for a truly unplugged vacation

Datum: 2015-04-29 12:00

Believe it or not, but the summer and time for vacation will be here sooner than you think. It might feel ...

03 Dec

Digitalize more

Datum: 2014-12-03 10:28

A paper and a pen are exceptionally good tools. You can quickly and easily scribble down a few notes on a piece of paper when you have the client on the line. And if we forget ...

17 Nov

Give a swift answer to a tricky question

Datum: 2014-11-17 09:54

At some point in your daily work when attending meetings, business parties, sales meetings and having other encounters with new people, you must also have gotten ...

17 Apr

Out of sight, out of mind

Datum: 2013-04-17 09:17

I was working with one of my individual session-mentees the other day. We were reviewing what we had accomplished so far and ...

13 Mar

Thirteen ways to clean up when you are short of time

Datum: 2013-03-13 16:06

In my business I am currently focusing on simplifying, minimizing and getting rid of materials, tasks, and even entire parts of my business that no longer contribute to my progress as much as they used to but rather ...

17 Oct

Ask, and your question shall be answered

Datum: 2012-10-17 12:00

Do you want to work as undisturbed as possible? Do you want to be able to delegate tasks without having to have to give a detailed explanation on how you want it done over and over again? Then create your very own ...

05 Sep

There is a time for structuring and a time for doing

Datum: 2012-09-05 12:00

Some people I meet think that they are going to improve their structure later, when they have time. Perhaps they have tried sorting out the piles, but gotten stuck after a few minutes of organizing and come to the conclusion that ...

22 Aug

Call the file by its right name

Datum: 2012-08-22 12:00

Finding digital files and documents that either we ourselves or our colleagues have saved at some point is usually not a problem – as long as they are ...

06 Jun

Are you structured enough to be able to relax?

Datum: 2012-06-06 12:00

When it is time for time off, such as last summer’s vacation, most of us want to feel and be freer our ordinary lives normally lets us. It feels good to allow for thoughts to flow freely and do whatever comes to mind. It is a true privilege to be able to let go of work and everything that our ordinary lives consist of, but unfortunately not everyone can do this effortlessly as ...

25 Apr

When you do not have time for a day to clean up

Datum: 2012-04-25 12:00

If you feel as if you have too much stuff, papers and things around you, and that you get so distracted by all the clutter as soon as you raise your eyes that you have difficulties concentrating on the task in front of you, I am sure you would like to have ...

28 Mar

How you determine what binders you can get rid of

Datum: 2012-03-28 12:00

It’s one thing to decide to rid yourself of binders and papers that you no longer need, but a whole different matter entirely to determine what is good riddance and what is not.

What if we happen to throw away something we one day might need?

Sure, you could ...

14 Dec

Eight parking-lots for your ideas

Datum: 2011-12-14 11:00

On occasion, you get an idea or two. They are amazing, marvelous and exciting ideas and sometimes even show a true stroke of brilliance. If you are in luck, they fit right in with what you need to focus your strength and energy on right now. But they can often concern matters which ...

02 Nov

How you get all the information you need right away

Datum: 2011-11-02 11:00

Have you ever experienced that you have been asked or assigned to do something, but later on it turns out that you and whoever made the request had a different view of how the task or service was to be performed. And perhaps ...

15 Jun

What the furniture dealer does not want you to know

Datum: 2011-06-15 16:32

Even if you establish a thoroughly thought through system for your good-to-have material (also referred to as reference-material), it will most likely evolve and grow over time. The more material you have, the more ...

16 Feb

How to organize your digital documents

Datum: 2011-02-16 10:15

How are all your digital documents and files doing?

Are they scattered about on your computer? Some on the computer desktop, some as attachments in e-mails, a substantial amount in various locations on your hard drive, and then you have all those ...

19 Jan

Eight steps towards an empty desk every morning

Datum: 2011-01-19 10:01

Do you get easily distracted by all the papers on your desk when you really need to focus on a particularly difficult, complicated or urgent task?

Do these papers and piles concern ...

17 Jan

The indispensable hanging file folders

Datum: 2011-01-17 09:53

When I wrote about the fact that a massive clean up once in a while isn’t enough to keep our workspaces cleared from distracting clutter, in the Swedish edition of our weekly newsletter Done! before Christmas, Gun-Britt Karlsson got in touch with me.

With regards to keeping the desk clean, she wrote ...

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