
Blog / Categories / To-do-lists

11 Dec

Simplify how you deal with incoming messages

Datum: 2024-12-11 08:48

Forgetting to respond to or completely missing a message you have received does not feel very good; especially if it is from someone with whom you want to ...

09 Dec

The right time to help others first

Datum: 2024-12-09 12:34

Most of us work with others in one way or another. If they are not our colleagues from the same company, they might be ...

05 Dec

Stop doing the outdated or obsolete

Datum: 2024-12-05 15:16

You are assigned new tasks from time to time. They can be virtually anything and be either big or small ...

03 Dec

Give your future January-self a Christmas present

Datum: 2024-12-03 10:00

Imagine coming back to work after a relaxing holiday over Christmas and New Year's. You have rested and let go of work completely, but now it is time to get back into it ...

14 Nov

Make it OK to not have time for everything

Datum: 2024-11-14 12:40

You do not have time for everything. It is as simple as that. If you are like most people, your hopes of what you will manage to accomplish in a day are not ...

13 Nov

Datum: 2024-11-13 10:13

Since you do best in gathering all your to-do-tasks in a single place, does this mean that you have to choose between having ...

11 Nov

Build flexibility into your structure

Datum: 2024-11-11 11:00

Earthquakes are commonly recurring phenomena in Japan and therefore you might conclude that Japanese houses would be built to ...

05 Nov

What you can use Microsoft Planner for

Datum: 2024-11-05 08:33

More and more of the organizations I visit have implemented the Microsoft Office 365-suite. If your organization is one of these, I congratulate you, since you ...

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