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17 Jun

Let “for now” have a clear expiration date

Datum: 2024-06-17 07:10

Technology enables us to work almost anywhere. We are less and less limited to a particular desk at a certain office to get our tasks done. But sometimes things are not ...

12 Jun

How to make waiting valuable

Datum: 2024-06-12 10:00

We all find ourselves in situations when we need to wait. Wait. It is like a stalemate. For some, ...

03 Jun

Bundling questions make you more efficient

Datum: 2024-06-03 10:00

A great thing about having colleagues is that you can receive help and guidance when you need it. And, it is a joy and privilege to ...

30 May

They settle it in Fight Club

Datum: 2024-05-30 11:06

A week ago it happened again, the thing that makes my work so enriching - someone told me about a brilliant trick! Halfway through one of my open courses in Stockholm, Annette approached me and said ...

16 May

Learn something new in less than 10 minutes

Datum: 2024-05-16 09:08

Do you also tend to forget things you have just learned? Someone shows you how to perform a task you have just been made responsible for and in that moment it is so obvious how to do it, but the first time you are about to perform it yourself ...

13 May

When the non-structure is the best structure

Datum: 2024-05-13 09:10

My acquaintance (and Done!-reader) Alexander Ehn gave me a tip about an article by the author Austin Kleon in which he argues for being unstructured. Kleon tells about ...

09 Apr

Unread, unsolved or reluctance

Datum: 2024-04-09 09:13

Many of us work more or less completely digitally. Paper is almost passé to those who do. But they still can not seem to escape ...

19 Mar

Start in the middle

Datum: 2024-03-19 09:45

When we are about to do something new, something neither we nor our colleagues have done before, it can be hard to know ...

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