Thank you, Cake!
Datum: 2022-06-07 16:54
The other day, I gave a talk to all employees at Cake — the Swedish innovative company whose electric motorbike is — well, just amazing. What I especially like is its modular system which makes it easy to equip it with whatever you need for your next ride — an extra seat, more space to pack et c. If you haven’t seen it, you have to check it out.
Anyway, the talk I gave was my talk ”Get Super Structured”, based on my book ”Super Structured”, since in companies in hyper growth it’s essential that the structure is good, so they can make changes and redirections quickly and still maintain stability.
Why have a to-do list at all?
One topic we discussed and that I especially enjoyed covering was the importance in having a to-do list at all and pull it out immediately in the morning.
Because, they who have a to-do list to choose tasks from in the morning have a better chance to choose the right task than they who do not have a list, but instead do what comes to mind (or enters their inbox).
That is worth some thought, I think!
Thank you for the opportunity, Cake! And, thank you for inviting me, Kristina Hagström Ilievska!
(If you too work in a rapidly growing company and you want do enhance structure, invite me to give a similar talk for you — be it at your offices or a virtual talk through Teams or Zoom.)