Thank you, Wallenius Marine!
Datum: 2023-03-16 14:21
Heavy global shipping by means of sailboats — nowadays? Yes, it’s actually true. Shipbuilding and ship management company Wallenius Marine is now developing the Oceanbird concept — a wind-powered cargo ship that would reduce emissions by 90% compared to today’s ships.
Structure in Singapore and Stockholm
In two half-days in March, I had the privilege of teaching a course on workplace structure for the entire company’s staff. I met a group on site in Stockholm and we had another group in Singapore via Teams, in a typical hybrid solution.
When to use chat and when to use email?
Among other things, we discussed the boundary between chat and email. What should determine when to “take it in the chat” and when to “take it via email”? Different organizations do it differently.
The participants shared their ideas about this boundary — some of which were new to me:
👉🏻 formal communication in email, informal communication in chat
👉🏻 things that should be included in (project) documentation in email, other things in chat
👉🏻 things with attachments in email, things without attachments in chat
👉🏻 things I could discuss verbally in chat, other things in email
What about you?
What do you do in your job? Tell me! Give me more alternatives!
And, thank you, Wallenius Marine, for these two half-days. I look forward to meeting you again!
Want me to come to your organization too?
The course I held was my "Super Structured" course, which is a half or full-day course. I would happily hold it for your organization - on site or remotely, or as a hybrid course - anywhere in the world.