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05 Oct

Thank you, Winningtemp!

Datum: 2023-10-05 08:49
A blonde man in a light brown blazer and blue crocheted tie is lecturing next to a large image with illustrative blobs and to-do tasks in a frame. In the foreground, the audience's heads are visible.

When I gave a talk for the inspir­ing employ­ee engage­ment plat­form com­pa­ny Win­ningtemp, we spoke among oth­er things about struc­ture and creativity.

Is it so, that struc­ture kills creativity?

I often get the ques­tion, as many peo­ple seem to have this con­cern — espe­cial­ly if they have pro­fes­sions that are con­sid­ered clas­si­cal­ly creative.’

My answer is: No. On the contrary.’

Because, some­one who has good struc­ture can more eas­i­ly and quick­ly com­plete all the tasks that are not imme­di­ate­ly relat­ed to cre­ativ­i­ty, leav­ing more room and time (and ener­gy!) for creativity.

What’s your opinion?

That’s how it is for me. How about you? Write to me and tell me.

Tools, val­ue, and quick-wit­ted questions

But, what did Win­ningtemp think of my lec­ture? Well, this is what Pierre Lind­mark, CEO, wrote afterward:

..of all the speak­ers who have been with us, you are the one who has con­crete­ly giv­en us the most tools and val­ue, which was evi­dent in the evening’s dis­cus­sions. You are real­ly good and like your style of lec­tur­ing by inter­act­ing with the audi­ence through both humor and quick-wit­ted fol­low-up questions!”

Thank you for the invi­ta­tion, Winningtemp!

Book a talk about structure

Do you want me to come to your SaaS company as well to give a talk about structure and productivity (and creativity!)?

I would be happy to. Let me know, and I will send you an offer.

Yes, send me an offer, please