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09 Dec

The right time to help others first

Datum: 2024-12-09 12:34
A baton is being handed over between two runners during a relay race.

Most of us work with oth­ers in one way or anoth­er. If they are not our col­leagues from the same com­pa­ny, they might be oth­ers out­side of the orga­ni­za­tion who we col­lab­o­rate with in order to progress and reach our goals. 

Some of the tasks you do are com­plete­ly sep­a­rate from oth­er people’s tasks and have noth­ing to do with their work. But you prob­a­bly also have tasks that oth­ers are depend­ing on you to do. You need to deliv­er some­thing to some­one else so that they in turn can get their task done, using what you gave them as a start­ing point. 

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

Are you the spi­der in the web?

If this sec­ond part of what you have on your to-do list con­sists of a whole lot of tasks” (mean­ing that quite a few of your tasks are those oth­ers are depen­dent on to do their jobs), then this means you are an impor­tant piece of the com­pa­ny-puz­zle, so to speak. Many depend on you to do your tasks and the results that come from your work. If you get delayed or post­pone doing what oth­ers need from you, there is a risk that the progress in the whole busi­ness, com­pa­ny, or depart­ment slows down and that what is sup­posed to flow fast and free becomes slow and stagnant.

Con­tin­ue quicker

If this is the case, you will be right to pri­or­i­tize doing the tasks oth­ers are depend­ing on you to do. You do not want to be the bot­tle­neck that slows other’s progress down but rather the col­league who quick­ly hands over the baton so that the next eager run­ner” in the busi­ness relay race does not have to wait for you and will lose nei­ther speed nor energy.

Mixed mes­sages? Not at all!

Does this real­ly make sense? Is this not the com­plete oppo­site of what I usu­al­ly rec­om­mend regard­ing how to pri­or­i­tize and that we ought to do tasks that are both urgent and impor­tant above all else, where the impor­tant is derived from whether or not they con­tribute to your goals? Not to wor­ry. They are not at odds and oppos­ing per­spec­tives at all. If you need to deliv­er infor­ma­tion or things to oth­ers in order for the com­pa­ny to func­tion prop­er­ly, then this is prob­a­bly impor­tant enough for you to have (or if you do not, you should have) goals that reflect how quick­ly or well you man­age to do these very tasks.

Do this

If you want to con­tribute to things get­ting done with greater ease and speed in your com­pa­ny, then do the following:

  1. Look through your to-do-list and see if you can find tasks oth­ers are wait­ing for you to do.
  2. Cre­ate a What oth­ers are wait­ing for”-category, tag, or the likes and use it for these tasks. Per­haps it is referred to as labels” or hash­tags” instead of cat­e­gories” in your par­tic­u­lar to-do-list tool.
  3. Sort your list (if you can) so that you see the What oth­ers are wait­ing for”-tasks that need to be com­plet­ed today (or soon­er, or very soon!) at the top of or first on the list.
  4. If you want to unleash the pow­er of the rest of your team and give them a boost in their work, do these tasks first.

More flow

If you have a role at work that oth­ers depend heav­i­ly on, the busi­ness will def­i­nite­ly flow smoother if you pri­or­i­tize these tasks first instead of it com­ing to a halt when you have too much to do. You will also end up with less to do since you will not have to deal with as many when is the mate­r­i­al coming?”-emails as you usu­al­ly receive since you will have few­er peo­ple breath­ing down your neck due to you giv­ing them what they want and need sooner.

If this approach means that you in the long-run do not have time for oth­er impor­tant tasks you also wish to do, then you might need to con­sid­er why oth­ers are depend­ing so heav­i­ly on you and that you do these par­tic­u­lar tasks. Could you change some­thing so that those who are wait­ing for you will do just fine on their own from now on?

What’s your way?

How do you make sure that the whole busi­ness does not come to a grind­ing halt every time you have oth­er things to do if you are in some kind of key-posi­tion? Have you devised some clever method, way, or trick that helps you? If so, please feel free to email me and there­by maybe help oth­ers who read this blog.

(Do you know it might be the best time to help oth­ers when you are stressed?)

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