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02 Mar

This is "Frufredag" ("WiFriday")

Datum: 2023-03-02 09:30
A collage of two images. To the left, a portrait of a blonde couple in front of a beautiful white villa on a sunny day. To the right, a blonde woman in a black winter coat looking at said villa from the street.

Approx­i­mate­ly twelve years ago, my wife Eval­ot­ta and I decid­ed to both be off on Fri­days. We want­ed to have time for each oth­er, time to talk in com­plete sen­tences and with long rea­son­ing with­out any­thing else con­stant­ly get­ting in the way (we were par­ents of small chil­dren at the time and if you are one, you know what I mean).

Why do we call it that?

Because Fri­day” starts with an F, just like fru” (wife in Swedish), and because I love my wife and we like allit­er­a­tions, we call our Fri­days frufredag” (#frufredag, even!).

How it works

On Fri­day morn­ings, we drop off the kids at school and then go some­where to stroll arm in arm. We like new expe­ri­ences and there­fore have the con­stant ambi­tion to stroll in a new part of Gothen­burg. It now feels like we have walked every­where in the city cen­ter and we are start­ing to explore Ale (which is not Gothen­burg, but what can you do?) and the areas towards Mölndal.

At some point, we stop for a good cup of cof­fee and a lit­tle lat­er we have a long lunch at a nice place in the city cen­ter. Maybe we do some shop­ping on the way home, and final­ly we pick up the kids again.

More togeth­er

They, the WiFri­days, have done us good. They make us come togeth­er” after an intense work week and we enter the week­end with greater calm and with­out haste. For us, it’s worth every lost lec­ture income penny.

Alexan­der won­dered too

When I guest­ed Swedish major inter­view pod­cast Framgångspod­den, Alexan­der Pär­leros asked me what frufredag” is and I replied:

I encour­age any­one who wants to fol­low our exam­ple. For us, these Fri­days are invaluable.

Do you do any­thing sim­i­lar? Tell me!