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10 Nov

This is the app you use for email

Datum: 2022-11-10 10:21

The oth­er day, I felt curi­ous to know what app my blog read­ers and newslet­ter sub­scribers use for email­ing. Know­ing that helps me share tips that are more to the point and valu­able to you and oth­er read­ers. So, I asked you in a sim­ple ques­tion­naire.

A blue and green pie chart with four sections.

Here are the results

  • 79% Out­look with Microsoft 365
  • 12% Out­look with­out Microsoft 365
  • 7% Gmail
  • 2% Mail (MacOS)

It turned out, this is actu­al­ly what I would have guessed. That is valu­able to know!

Thank you for reply­ing, if you were one of those who did!