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16 Feb

Todoist releases AI-Assistant

Datum: 2023-02-16 10:59
The torso and head of a greenish toy robot to the left and to the right, Todoist's logo.

Pop­u­lar to-do list app Todoist announced the oth­er day that they are releas­ing an AI-Assis­tant exten­sion that will help you get things done with as less effort as possible.

A help­ful companion

At the moment, it can sug­gest tasks to do in order to accom­plish a cer­tain goal, give you tips on how to com­plete com­plex tasks, break large tasks down into small­er tasks — and more.

So, what’s next?

This is a real­ly excit­ing devel­op­ment, I think, and I look for­ward to see what oth­er apps present as well in the com­ing weeks (because things hap­pens fast in this field at the moment!).

Check out how Todoist’s AI Assis­tant works.